Completed Projects
Allure of the Seas Casino Entrance - 2010 READ THE CASE STUDY GrayGlass custom fabricates the colored risers by laminating two panels of low iron glass with a colored interlayer. The colors of orange, yellow, and red are custom matched to the desired saturations and hues. Manhattan's venerable restaurant, The Russian Tea Room recently underwent its own multi-million dollar renovation which included this fabulous art glass ceiling fabricated by GrayGlass. First of 20 Automatic Public Toilets (APTs) to be installed under New York City’s Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise with Cemusa, Inc, in Madison Square Park, Manhattan. The glass components for this Automatic Public Toilet unit were fabricated and modified by GrayGlass.
Sugar House Casino, Philadelphia - 2010
Outdoor Glass Lit Benches
Client: Creative Light Source, Las Vegas
Project: Fabricated glass cubes with 'Sugar Cube' decoration for internally lit benches. GrayGlass fabricated 3/4" float using in house drilling, precision mitered and polished edges, silk screening of the outer surface with ceramic frit enamel, internal sandblasting and digital printing of the image 'shadow'. The panels were then UV bonded to fit precisely into the metal framework.
Madison Sqaure Park, New York City
The High Line - 2009
Section 1 Landscaping, 14th Street, New York City
General Contractor: Kiska Construction, Inc.
What: East side and west side guardrails and guardrail infills at the Section 1 of the High Line project close to the 14th Street. Glass screen for the sunken garden. Glass railings for walkways.
GrayGlass custom fabricated the waterproof laminated glass engineered for outdoor use. READ ABOUT IT IN GLASS MAGAZINE; VIEW THE INSTALLATION PHOTO GALLERY
More information about the High Line:
Official site and friends of the High Line, wikipedia, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal.
Colored Stairs -2009
Great Neck Residence, NY
The stair treads are safety flooring panels; laminated tempered glass with white interlayers.
"Location, Location, Location"
Ira Tiffen / IAT Studio
Low iron glass block, 2-1/2"x11"x11". Encased inside are four three-dimensional 'locales-' a green hillside, dotted with trees; a sandstone-red canyon; an aqua-blue ocean, which in certain light, like sunlight, uses a Moiré effect to make it appear to actually be rippling; and, in characteristic gray, the city, a densely packed rectilinear array of streets and buildings, loosely based on a four square block area centered around Park Ave. and 36th St, NYC. The three natural locales, in colors deliberately analogous to primary red, green and blue, with their soft, freely flowing patterns and shadows, contrast markedly with the man-made, orderly and yet somehow chaotic, colorless construct that is a city.
GrayGlass supplied the glass components and polished the 2.5" thick glass block.
Huntington Library Art Gallery Skylight - 2008
San Marino, CA
Reopening May 28, 2008, after a $20 million renovation, the gallery will offer visitors an enhanced experience with one of the finest collections of European art in the nation.
The recent renovation of the Huntington Art Gallery included the refurbished 2,900-square-foot Portrait Gallery, featuring the most important full-length British portraits in the collection. GrayGlass supplied custom laminated patterned glass panels for the beautiful skylight. The pattern was carefully selected to match the original style.
The Russian Tea Room
150 West 57th Street, New York City
New York City Automatic Public Toilet - 2008