2009 LOLA Restaurant
LOLA Restaurant, located in Great Neck, New York, is known for its gourmet style dining. The owners of the establishment, Michael and Laurie Ginor, purchased and renovated the building where LOLA resides today. GrayGlass was awarded the project by the Ginors in November of 2008, which took approximately six months to complete. The glass work was the collaborative effort of the Ginor’s own design with GrayGlass' input regarding materials and fabrication options. Their vision was to create a colorful glass application that separated one very large room into two; a kitchen and an open dining room. However, the challenge was to create a dining area where patrons could see inside of the kitchen to observe the preparation and cooking of the food. The area was designed with a knee wall that separated the two rooms, with transparent red glass for diners to peek inside, viewing the chefs at work.
The LOLA Restaurant project included:
- Using 6” to 3’ of glass all around the kitchen area
- Determining the precise composition, angle, thickness and spacing between the glass panels
- Incorporating the LOLA detailed letter formation into approximately 12 glass panels
- Framing several of the red glass panels with wood doors
- Preparing and sandblasting all of the glass on site at the GrayGlass facility
- Using low iron glass to show the true color of the red
- Delivery and installation of the glass in a couple of days
See more images of LOLA here! www.grayglass.net/glass.cfm/Images/LOLA-/catid/225/conid/253